How to Get a Scared Dog to the Vet

How to Get a Scared Dog to the Vet

Even the most easygoing pooch quakes in fear at the sight of a pet carrier. Butch knows it’s time for the V-E-T, the dreaded three-letter word he associates with pokes, probes and time away from his home. Dogs visit animal clinics an average of 2.6 times per year,...
How To Handle Your Cat Without Getting Bitten

How To Handle Your Cat Without Getting Bitten

When it comes to their relationships with humans, dogs are the equivalent of excited 4-year-olds. They wag their tails excitedly when you come home, respond vocally to strangers and practically beg to be petted. They sniff and play and love their humans. You are...
Taking Care Of Your Senior Dog

Taking Care Of Your Senior Dog

At East Valley Animal Hospital, we are proactive wellness practitioners. It is our goal to help prevent disease whenever possible and promote long, active, and healthy lives for your furry family members, no matter what their age.  But, when your dog reaches that...
Can You Catch A Disease From Your Dog?

Can You Catch A Disease From Your Dog?

As we all know, catching a cold or any other virus is a common occurrence for people. It’s easy to get sick from the simplest of actions, such as a kiss or unobstructed sneeze. But can a human get an illness from a dog? Interestingly enough, the answer is yes. The...
Why Your Dog May Be Licking His Paws

Why Your Dog May Be Licking His Paws

If your dog is constantly licking his paws or chewing his feet, there are several possible reasons for it. At East Valley Animal Hospital, we’ve seen our share dogs who persistently lick their paws and have helped to determine what might be troubling them....
What It Means When Your Dog Vomits

What It Means When Your Dog Vomits

Your dog just threw up, and you’re concerned that something is really wrong. In some cases, vomiting is a common reaction in dogs to an upset, or even empty, stomach. But there are other, more serious reasons why your dog may be vomiting.  Let’s look at...