When you are engaging in great practices of self care such as yoga, bring your dog along! There is a new trend of using yoga to bond with your pup, with great mental and physical benefits for both of you. East Valley Animal Hospital is here to take care of all your...
Development in the science for pet care, technology and medications that help to cure ailments has been very beneficial for healthier, longer lives for your pets. Upon diagnosis by your knowledgeable veterinarian, treating pet ailments and issues can be easily done...
This time of year brings out all kinds of festivities all across the world. There are traditional festive decorations we see during the holidays, such as the Christmas tree and lights on the outside of houses. There are also funny festive traditions such as the ugly...
It’s that wonderful time of year for gathering with family and friends and enjoying the holidays together… and “together” includes our beloved pets, of course! Are you stuck on a gift to make your family pet feel included in the fun? East Valley Animal Hospital,...
When we think of rabies, we tend to imagine vicious and aggressive dogs foaming at the mouth. This is a scary picture, but actually is pretty accurate when it comes to how rabies affects animals. East Valley Animal Hospital, located in Gilbert Arizona, has years of...
For many of us, cats are a part of the family. We like to pamper them, spoil them and treat them like royalty. An interesting but little-known fact is that when female cats are not spayed or are pregnant, they are actually called queens! Your friendly felines are a...