Did You Know Cats are Related to Tigers?

Did You Know Cats are Related to Tigers?

Did you know cats and tigers are related? Domestic cats split from their wild ancestors nearly 11 million years ago. However, like your caffeine addiction, some things are hard to break away from. Your furry feline is still a lot like the tigers at the zoo—yes, even...
Are Tennis Balls Bad for Dogs?

Are Tennis Balls Bad for Dogs?

If you have a dog, odds are you’ve spent time throwing a ball for them to fetch. But if you have a ball-obsessed dog, you’ve probably spent hours throwing the ball for your furry friend, and that was only today. Some of you have probably even thrown more balls than a...
Pet Insurance: Is It Worth It?

Pet Insurance: Is It Worth It?

Pet Insurance is becoming a household necessity for many families. Recent data has shown that the number of people getting insurance for their pets continues to rise. With nearly 30% of pets in the U.S. insured, would pet insurance be worth it for you? Let’s take a...
How to Play with Your Cat

How to Play with Your Cat

Does your cat want to play all the time? Cats crave interactive, stimulating play because it helps satisfy their natural curiosity as well as their hunting instincts. Having a scheduled playtime with your cat every day will keep them from getting bored, lonely,...