There’s never an easy time to say goodbye to a beloved family pet. But for those who are losing their pets during the COVID-19 health crisis, it can be especially heartbreaking. As veterinarians, we heavily consider the quality of life and wellbeing of...
Some dogs adjust well when they experience a lot of environmental change, while others can find it difficult to cope. Much like children or even us adults, dogs can benefit greatly from having a set daily routine. A routine can alleviate stress and anxiety your dog...
During the current health crisis, we are all making changes and sacrifices in our daily lives that we never anticipated having to make. Initially, you and your furball might have been thrilled to share more time together amidst the recent, forced...
How can I help my dog feel more comfortable wearing a cone? No dog enjoys wearing the cone of shame. Unfortunately, the cone is often necessary after surgery because it prevents the dog from biting at their stitches and opening or irritating their wound. The most...
At East Valley Animal Hospital, we hope you enjoyed your long weekend over Presidents’ Day. Perhaps you took your furry companion on an extra-long walk, hike or adventure to celebrate. While our personal pets are beloved by a small circle of family and friends, there...
Dental disease affects 87 percent of dogs and 70 percent of cats over the age of three. Because our companion animals are very good at hiding their pain, dental disease can often go undetected and undiagnosed for years. Not only do our pets suffer in silence, but the...
At East Valley Animal Hospital, we regularly diagnose and treat skin problems in dogs. Believe it or not, there are over 160 skin disorders that can afflict our furry companions. And this vast number of issues can be associated with a variety of causes. They may be...
Sleep is a huge part of our four-legged friends’ lives. We’ve all witnessed the precious sight of a sleeping dog who goes from resting peacefully to fidgeting their legs and grunting like they’re on the chase. Or a cat who swats the air like they’re attacking a bird....
For new dog owners, there are a lot of questions to be answered. And at East Valley Animal Hospital, grooming is among the most common subjects we get asked about. Along with regular brushing and haircuts (depending on the breed), you’ll want to bathe your dog to keep...
If only our cats could speak! Although they may not be able to express their deep feelings about things, our felines are communicating quite a lot through their body language. When our kittens are young, they use meowing to communicate with each other. Once they’ve...