Vaccines are essential if you want your cat to live a long and healthy life. FVRCP and rabies are two core vaccines that protect your cat against several highly infectious diseases. At East Valley Animal Hospital, we provide effective vaccines to keep your furry...
Cats love to play with bugs, and it might be difficult for your cat to resist teasing a creepy-crawly spider. However, there are some extremely poisonous spiders in Arizona, and their venom could be deadly if they bite your cat. Outdoor cats aren’t the only ones at...
Did you know that there’s a way to relieve your dog’s chronic pain without medication? And that the same safe, gentle treatment can help your dog recover more quickly after a surgery or an injury? East Valley Animal Hospital in Gilbert, AZ, is equipped with all the...
Did you know that our community of Gilbert, Arizona, boasts over 600 acres of open space and a total of 23 public parks? Wednesday, March 30, is Take a Walk in the Park Day 2022, and if you have a dog, it’s a great excuse to get out and explore. Here are our top 3...
In the past, a positive FIV diagnosis for a cat often meant a death sentence. Many shelters would euthanize cats that tested positive for feline immunodeficiency virus, because they were considered unadoptable. However, new research proves that cats with FIV can live...
It’s spay/neuter awareness month, and the vets at East Valley Animal Hospital want to take this opportunity to remind you that pet overpopulation is a very real problem. Sadly, thousands of unadopted pets die every year because shelters do not have the space or...
Dogs and cats use their mouths for more than just eating. Cats spend hours everyday grooming, and dogs have an instinctive urge to chew on things. Keeping your pet’s teeth healthy is very important for their overall happiness and well-being. If they get cavities or...
January is National Train Your Dog Month, so make sure you have some treats ready for helping your new puppy master some tricks! Having a new puppy is exciting, and training him or her is a great way to bond together. When you’re able to communicate with your dog,...
Is your cat failing to use the litter box? They might be giving you a not-so-subtle hint to scoop it out, or they could be trying to clue you in to a more serious problem. Urinating outside the litter box is often one of the signs of FLUTD, or feline lower urinary...
Did you know that January is National Walk Your Dog Month? Here in Arizona, it’s easy to get out and walk your dog all year round. If your new year’s resolutions included getting more exercise, grab a leash and a few bottles of water and go explore some of the many...